Neurological Disorders

Diseases and injuries to the nervous system can have dramatic effects across the body affecting ones ability to function. Simple tasks can become extremely difficult and one’s independence can be lost. The nervous system controls the muscles of the body, joint movements, balance and coordination. It is important to note that with the right kind of therapy you can improve your level of function, relieve pain, improve your balance, enhance walking and safety.

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Neurological Disorders

Physical therapy plays a vital role in the treating and maintaining of function in individuals with neurological diseases or injuries. We treat a variety of different neurological conditions that affect the movement of the body. If you are having difficulty with coordination, strength, walking, balance or function, then our physical therapy is right for you.  We can provide you a comprehensive plan to help reach your maximum level of function.


Relieving Pain

Nerve pain can come from a variety of issues, but Physical Therapy helps to sooth irritated nerve endings and provide feedback to the nervous system to calm nerves. 

Improving function and safety

People suffering from neurological disease and injuries typically have a higher tendency for falls or injuring themselves. Imagine if you trip and fall. Can you react quickly enough to protect yourself? 

Walking and Balance

With many common neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and more, walking and balance is greatly affected. This dramatically affects one’s independence and greatly accelerates the risk of falling. Most patients don’t know that their balance or walking is affected until it is quite severe.

We have extensive training to analyze your walking, balance and coordination.  Our number one priority is giving you the ability to move around safely and with the least effort possible. We also properly train you if you require an assistive device such as cane or walker to walk with.

Hours of Operation

8:30am – 5:30pm

We are closed

(801) 250-9107

Contact Noall H. Latimer Physical Therapy